‘Eduranet’ is an exclusive education services organization devoted to evolving high-quality modes of learning for the overall development of learners from different walks of life.
The objective of ‘Eduranet’ is to enhance the standard of the present education system and produce qualified (professional, intellectual and competitive) human resources to meet the global demands of the new millennium. Eduranet has a strong conviction that qualified human resources are the major ingredients for a country’s development.
For over five years, Eduranet has been conducting dedicated and determined research on how to improve producing qualified human resources. After evaluating the challenges the learners of the new millennium are expected to encounter, Eduranet has devised methods of refining the learning cycles of the aspirants to enable them to cross future obstacles with ease. These refined cycles improve the learners’ comprehension of the current education system and guide them in developing strong strategies on problem solving, decision making and selection of the right careers. This exhaustive research prompted Eduranet to develop its own education system called ‘Eduranet Education System’ that incorporates additional learning cycles.Eduranet believes that reaching the maturity levels in academic studies, general awareness, application of technology, problem solving techniques, critical thinking and human skills development is a long journey. Attaining maturity in all the required areas is imperative for the learners to become qualified and play an active role in the process of impending inventions.